If I chose outside of the Honorables I go with Delinard who is a fairly good marshal. Just off the top of my head there is approx. So I also wanna know how to find even if just one martial noble. But, I also recall that honorable nobles make poor marshals. Yeah, I recall from my first play through that I want to pick up the honorable nobles. When they do show up in your fief don't speak to them and by doing so, you remove them from the game. You should of met all the nobles long before you start your own kingdom. If you are careful to never do anything nice for them, you can just recognize them by the low relation, and tell them to take a hike. I guess you could if you take notes but that's a lot of work. Also its very hard to keep track of the personality of each lord. The thing is, while they are in your court you are forced to recruit them or tell them off so you can't really ask them anything else and figure out what kind of lord they are. I want to pick the 'nice' dudes so that I can give fiefs to people and they don't nag me too much. I read on the wiki that certain dialogs show a lord's personality. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.